Friday, July 29, 2005



Thursday, July 28, 2005



智恩(宋慧乔)深爱著父母遗留给他的Full House. 自从父母亲去世以后”Full House”就是他的家、他的父母,甚至是他的后援者。 智恩是一个笔名为”敦珠昂”的网上作家。为了生活也做一些乱七杂八的工作,更为维持Full House一直过著缩衣节食的生活。

有一天,大明星李英才(Rain)突然拖著搬家行李闯进了他的家门。对方说Full House已被银行拍卖给了李英才。这是让他震惊,急忙跑去银行打听原来是被他幼时朋友虎成和智恩的女朋友将他的房子和没多少钱的存摺全部处分后溜掉了。
英才为了向从小一起长大的惠媛正式求婚,而买下了这栋房子。当他要向惠媛求婚时,没想到惠媛却宣布了要和英才的哥哥 结婚。英才只有忍著痛苦。但记者闻风而至,英才深怕这消息传出会伤害惠媛的心,就将瞬间想起智恩,便向记者们表示,智恩为他的未婚妻。

这突来的订婚新闻让智恩莫名其妙。为了收拾这情况,英才的经纪人崔恩廷费尽脑筋,只好拜托智恩先跟英才办个假结婚。智恩脑筋一转,心想也许可以不用 离开Full House。于是答应崔恩廷的要求,并立下保密合同,时间为六个月,对外要做到夫妻的义务、一方放弃就代表放弃所有权利、并要归还Full House等等。

但这突来的结婚没有一天安宁的生活。从度蜜月两个人就吵个不停。智恩和英才住进Full House,不仅是性格上的差异,还互相认定著对方是花心的人,没有一天不争吵。 但因为俩人的关系和房子受到媒体的关注,两人一走出家门都要露出开心的笑容。媒体开始揭露智恩的私生活和往事,这给智恩带来了很大的伤害。虽早已有心理准 备,但没想到事情会是这么严重。一直对他冷淡的英才开始帮智恩辩护,甚至开始安慰鼓励她。智恩心里在想著这家伙是怎么了。但无论如何他们是夫妻,又是同 志,虽然只是短短的六个月。

但没想到姜惠媛开始妒嫉起英才幸福的生活。其实英才是痛苦的,为了从媒体保护他心爱的惠媛而跟智恩假结婚的英才。智恩也得知英才是为了保护心爱的女 人而跟他结婚,心里忽然一阵心酸。姜惠媛和英才越是亲近,在一旁的智恩就会奇怪的难过起来。而且总觉得自己在吃亏。就在这时一个叫刘民赫的男孩出现在智恩 的面前。如果没有英才,这可是他心目中的白马王子。

小天后宋慧乔与人气王Rain首度合拍的KBS新戏「浪漫满屋」,7月14日才在韩国上档,就已引起包括韩国、台湾、香港、大陆及东南亚等地高度的 关注,这出改编自漫画天后元秀莲作品的电视剧,原著作者原属意金城武担纲男主角,将为今夏带来一股强劲的韩流风;八大戏剧台将于10月份推出这档新戏,届 时宋慧乔与Rain将联手来台掀起韩流风。

小天后宋慧乔在忙完SBS电视剧「阳光普照」及广告代言活动后,随即投入新戏浪漫满屋」的拍摄工作,对赶拍中的新 戏,乔妹妹心底也寄予高度的期望,尤其,「阳光普照」收视普普,观众反应平平,更让她期盼「浪漫满屋」能扳回昔日的气势。

力图振作的乔妹妹,在「浪漫满屋」中可说是卯尽全力演出,不但首度以泳装亮相,她与男主角Rain火辣辣的吻戏,更是备受瞩目,出道至今,即使在 「蓝色生死恋」、「Allin真爱睹注」等大戏中,即使拍吻戏,她也只是点到为止,浪漫满屋」无疑是她从影至今最大突破的戏。

超人气王Rain在「浪漫满屋」中,也做了很大的牺牲,把萤幕初吻献给了宋慧乔,还大秀他的好身材,圈内人相当看好他在戏剧圈的发展,还预估在经过「浪漫 满屋」这出电视剧的洗礼后,Rain在圈内的地位,将会急起直追其他「花美男」前辈。这出备受瞩目的新韩剧「浪漫满屋」,八大电视台已排定将于10月份隆 重上档,该戏是八大电视台与韩国制作单位合作三部电视剧的首部曲,第二档台、韩合制的大戏,也已在筹备中,力邀崔智友、裴勇俊、金喜善、元斌等一线韩星参 加演出。

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Our New Class T-shirt...

Our names on it!

I really like this pic!Thank ya Way Hong!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Initial D...


Shen Jai High Sch...

Scene taken in the class room...


Yeah!!!运动会过啦!大家辛苦啦,尤其是Simon,好几天没看到他在班上课了!恭喜Li Wei,Yoon WahWay Hong!他们为运动会所流下的汗水可不少了。其实站在棚内观看比赛那么多天了,看着运动员们个个为自己队伍拼,这场面让我深思了不少。不知道过了今年,我还有没有这个机会站在那里与同学们观赏赛程,也许有吧,但是就算有那时也不在是以深斋中学的学生,不能再像现在这样大声喊叫为自己的队伍打气了。。。

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

1 of the shots taken on Kah Hing's birthday...

Wei Raun with his nasi lemak on Teachers' Day...

Foong Mei and Mei Sien,the directors of our sketch...



Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Senior Prefects


At last,really at last,I've completed this wonderful site...yeah!!!Welcome buddies!
Well,lots to report about the semester...Here u go...2005#

A New Journey Begun...
Reminiscing over the two years we had been through together,we obliviously discovered that many of us had really grown,a lot!Started this whole gleeful family as SM1S which was somewhat topsy-turvy...n a bit lost...We wasn't as close as how we are now.On the contrary,the whole class consisted of many different gangs.You could barely find unity in us.As time passed,our relationship gradually improved and became more intimate & cooperate which actually made us proud of ourselves.It's SENIOR THREE!This's the year that everybody gonna get over everything and focus on studies...UEC...yeah!A journey was about to begin!GAMBATE!!!

Senior Prefects...
All the S3 prefects were given the honour of senior prefects,after contributed for years(in truth,some of them were not)...There're 9 from our class..Yaaaaaahoooooo!*Congrats*
Nomination Of School Magazine Committee...
The whole S3 had a meeting for voting out the year 2005 school magazine committee board.That's indeed fulled of excitements.As a result,Wei Raun was nominated for the post of vice president(haha...he's absent that day).Many from our class were also selected...How LUCKY they're...From that day onwards,tasks were appointed to those in the committee board.Life's going more hectic!

Class Excursion 2005...
It really brought back to mind of last year's class excursion taken place in Gua Tempurung.That's sooooo adventurous(Check out our 1st photo album for the pics).That's definitely a mind-blogging experience.It's still vivid...Just like happened yesterday...Once again,it's our class excursion.This year's much more simple,yet it's still a joyous 1.That afternoon,straight after our class excursion,we made a beeline to Kampar for our very own(personal) trip.We managed to get Mr. Lim Ming Long to guide us over there.Nice food,nice view,nice atmosphere,wonderful trip but BAD weather!
Li Wei Gained Victory!YEAH!
Those days,we occasionally saw Li Wei in class.It's mostly due to her practising for the State Basketball Matches.In the long run,our school won the 1st-runner-up...Li Wei was our star!

Talents Revealed...
It had always dawned on us that there're quite many potential people(in many aspects) in our class..Hahaha...*Bangga*...Simon,1 of the representative of the Shen Jai debate team acquired the 2nd place for this year's state competition...No doubts,Foong Mei also turned out for the Malay Forum competition and eventually gained victory!

Struggling For Mid-year Exam...
Finally,it had almost came to an end.Everyone was slogging away for the semester,going all out in achiving exellent results.The mid-year exam was 1 of the witness,a tough 1...

Report Card Day @ Parents' Day...
The day begun with humours...There was a hilarious guitar gathering as we're awaiting our parents...We're singing insanely like those in Mu Kok's premise..haha...We had a great time together and proceeded for our Teachers' Day presentation practice that afternoon.
Kah Hing's Birthday...
Majority of us showed up for Kah Hing's birthday birthday celebration in his house.Kah Hing's so pitiful coz he's made a fool by us...Poor him...Anyway,thanked him profusely for serving all of us...and his family too!!!
Shen Jai Annual Cross-country...
Straight after Kah Hing birthday party,our school's annual cross-country was held on the next morning.It's a rejuvinating Sunday morning...Many were soaked through abd through...
1st Term School Holiday...
The two week holiday wasn't actually sufficient.Simon,Kok Hao and Hee Lun headed for the YCA Leadership Camp in Klang (We need PICS!) while the others were getting involved in their own activities.Missed the leisure time so many of us had studied hard...

Teachers' Day Presentation...
After being rejected for so many times(since last year),we had finally get though the audition successfully.Yeah!Mei Sien & Foong Mei had really sweated it out for it...Their efforts paid dividends.We presented all our best on Teachers' Day.Mr Kenneth Lim praised us for the 2nd best programme among all..That's definitely a blessing in disguise.
Contagious Sickness...
Many got sick recently...First,Yun Wen,out tight-lipped classmate was caught with Denggi Fewer and was sent to the hospital for days.Pity him...We missed him in class.Then,Chee Chuan was ill during our Teachers' Day presentation.Really thanked him for sacrificing even though he wasn't feeling well...following which Sook Yeng got Food Poison and she's having nausea...She really suffered a lot..Hee Lun had fewer and was absent for a day too...Tragic...Dry weather...Many caught sore throat and loss their voice...Soo awful...

Friday, July 15, 2005

Taken during our presentation on Teachers' Day

Kok Leong Wor...

Thursday, July 14, 2005


大家可以放心啦!这网页是可以放中文字的,各位以后有什么想写在网页内,就请随便写吧!首先一定要把你的email address告诉我,加入bloggerspot,然后你就可以随时log in bloggerspot来投搞啦!有照片的尽量把照片放出来,大家分享嘛!多多参阅吧!

Presenting...The Family...

Here are some of the solos...including our form teacher,Mr. Wong...Want more pics?Stay tuned!!!

Our *BELOVED* form teacher...Mr Wong...hahaha... Posted by Picasa

Simon Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Wei Raun Posted by Picasa

Kok Hou Posted by Picasa

Kah Hing Posted by Picasa

Chee Chuan Posted by Picasa

Mei Sien Posted by Picasa

Wai Hong Posted by Picasa

Mu Kok Posted by Picasa

Hee Lun Posted by Picasa

Kian Yap Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 11, 2005

Keng Yee Posted by Picasa

Miki Posted by Picasa

Yoon Wah Posted by Picasa

Li Wei Posted by Picasa

Yun Wen Posted by Picasa

Foong Mei Posted by Picasa

Poh Yee Posted by Picasa